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TESTU COLLECTIVE: Second Skin A/V Performances +

Video Installations


January 17th - February 2nd, 2019

Friday - Saturday 12pm - 7pm

Thursday 12pm - 9pm

361 Canal Street, New York City


Daytime Video Installation Viewings
Tuesday- Saturday 12pm- 6pm
361 Canal Street, New York City

Thursdays/Jan 24 +Jan 31 

A/V performance, 6:30-6:45pm
Azumi OE sonic performance, 6:45-7pm

Saturdays/Jan26th + Feb 2nd
A/V performance, 6:00pm-6:15pm
Azumi OE sonic performance, 6:15pm-6:30pm

We have come to see that we don’t really see, the “reality” is more within than without. The objective and the subjective are one.
–Gene Youngblood, from Expanded Cinema, 1970

Influenced by the concepts of expanded and synaesthetic cinema, Second Skin is a series of immersive audiovisual performances and video installations that challenge traditional modes of dance performance and audience experience.  Second Skin is a hallucinatory and fleeting performance giving the viewer a new adventure of perception.

Encompassed within a translucent fabric, performers manipulate video projections with slow fluctuating body movements.  Second Skin conjures a reimagined future in which humans adapt to a dystopian environment. This piece features sculptural performance by Yoko Murakami and Maki Kitahara, otherworldly video of chemical reactions created by Tesene and Stucke, and ethereal soundscapes of field recordings and analog synths created by Adam Gottesman and Stucke.


Testu Collective is an interdisciplinary art group founded by Serena Stucke and Dan Tesene in 2017. They formed in New York City to create experimental videos, concept soundtracks and audiovisual performances. Currently, the collective consists of an evolving group of fabricators, videographers, music makers and performers. Their goal is to liberate imaginations through unique collaborations with artists in sound, movement and video.


For more information contact

@serenastucke                   @dantesene                   @yokoteki

@maki_k_01                      @azumioooe             


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