Shaving Off Breaths
January 10th - February 2nd, 2019
Tuesday - Saturday 12 PM - 7 PM
Thursday 12PM - 9PM
314 Canal Street, New York City
Shaving Off Breaths is an immersive installation and performance experience by Rachel Jones. Designed to both delight and repulse, this work juxtaposes the hard with the soft, the whimsical with the sinister, the intimate with the spectacular. An abstracted autobiography, Shaving Off Breaths speaks to the artist’s own observations of relationships and their impacts on our psyches and life stories; when does unconditional love become abuse? How do our past traumas impact our interactions with partners and loved ones in the present? Is it possible to process immense grief and torment and come out on the other side? Rachel’s hope for the work is to reveal something about herself to audiences, and in doing so, perhaps reveal something to viewers about themselves as well.
Rachel Jones is a multimedia artist, specializing in sculpture and installation works, living and working in Brooklyn, New York. She seeks to combine new technologies and innovative techniques with eclectic aesthetics and concepts in order to create visual arguments and immersive experiences. Homegrown in dusty desert towns outside of Palm Springs, CA, Rachel was shaped by mid-century style, old Hollywood glamour, and rock/skate culture. She is inspired by the conflicting abundance of hope, humor, romance, despair, and redemption she sees around her everyday.
For more information contact oncanal@wallplay.com
@littleladyjones #oncanal