Chromatic Current
November 15th - 26th, 2018
On View Tue - Sat 12 PM - 7 PM
Thursday 12PM - 9PM
320B Canal Street, New York City
Chromatic Current is a pop up exhibition by tape artist Katelyn Liepins, produced by Richard J. Heby of YTG Agency. The exhibition features a large scale multicolored tape installation and a selection of smaller black and white original artworks. These smaller works create the illusion of movement by contrasting symmetrical and asymmetrical patterns with repetitive forms. The fluidity of the installation mirrors the constant flow of traffic on Canal Street, and its movement pays homage to the evolving identity of the neighborhood. The piece acts as a break from and an extension to, the surrounding urban environment. Liepins incorporates geometric elements, similar in form to the city’s architecture. The artist uses space efficiently, with the work flowing across angles and corners on multiple planes. Yet, Chromatic Current, carves out a determined aesthetic by being conscious of white space and the nature of the existing environment.
Katelyn Liepins is a visual artist, primarily working with tape to create stunning, meticulous large scale artworks. She explores geometry and color in her work, and challenges the confines of 2-D space to create multi-plane art pieces that blur the lines between installation art, mural, and collage.
For more information contact oncanal@wallplay.com
@liepinsk @ytgagency #oncanal